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Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 SUBBASIN PROJECTS AND MANAGEMENT ACTIONS Chapter 4 describes projects and management actions proposed in the GSP as tools required to achieve the sustainability goal identified in Chapter 3. These include groundwater recharge and conveyance infrastructure projects as well as flexible demand reduction programs. Table 4-3 in the both Chowchilla GSP Chapter 4 and Madera GSP Chapter 4 summarizes the estimated annual water supply benefit, capital cost, and annual operating costs for each GSA. 

Madera Basin

Average Annual Benefit at Full Implementation (acre-feet) - 215,840

Est. Total Capital Costs (millions)- $262.58

Est. Average Annual Operation Cost (millions) - $69.5/year


Chowchilla Basin

Average Annual Benefit at Full Implementation (acre-feet)- 137,275

Est. Total Capital Costs (millions)- $327.1

Est. Average Annual Operation Cost (millions) - $31.8/year



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